
Live Webinar - Limited Seats Available

Solving the Pain Puzzle:

Learn The Latest Non-invasive Neuromodulation Strategies To Maximize Your Clinical Success

Featuring The World-Renowned:
Dr. Zulia Frost, MD, DCMAc

With more than 10,000 patients treated over 30 years, Dr. Zulia is a leading clinician renowned world-wide for her use and research of bioenergetics, neuromodulation, bio-resonance and photobiomodulation therapies.

But not only is Dr. Zulia responsible for many of the groundbreaking and paradigm-shifting innovations in bioenergetics ...

She's experienced as a Doctor of General Medicine and Paediatrics with post-graduate training in ultrasonic diagnostics and radiology. Dr. Zulia is also a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture.

Here's just some of what you'll learn in this exclusive live event ...

Real-world examples showcasing effective pain and inflammation modulation strategies that patients LOVE, plus the incredible scientific evidence that supports these leading-edge approaches.
Discover the surprising link between chronic pain and systemic conditions, learn what’s really at the core of energy dis-regulation, and how to correct it.
Learn the amazing electrical properties of the body and how to shift from treating symptoms to truly empowering the body for self-regulation.
The essential "ins and outs" of neuromodulation and bio-impedance feedback. This knowledge will change the way you treat your patients forever!
A special Q&A session with Dr. Zulia! This is your chance to connect directly with one of the planet's brightest minds!

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